Global Tea & Commodities Ltd
Queens Award


Our tea, coffee and macadamia nut plantations in Africa make up the core of the our plantation business. Dedicated to producing the highest quality tea, coffee and macadamia nuts, we have invested substantially in our processing facilities and have recently opened a state of the art macadamia nut processing factory in Southern Malawi.

Deeply committed to promoting the socio-economic development of its employees and the community around our plantations, we provide schools, health care facilities, crèches and clean drinking water. Major social housing projects have been taken up for our plantation workers and their families.

Committed to sustainable development of the Plantations and the Natural forest reserves. The group companies are committed to develop the surrounding communities and employees. Towards this the Companies support schools with improved buildings. Extend water supply and distribute trees Sampling to re-forest the denuded customary lands. The Company Clinics are open to the surrounding communities.The Companies have a  HIV/Aids Policy to integrate the HIV positive population into the mainstream

Our plantations include:

Kawalazi Estates Company Ltd in northern Malawi produces tea and Macadamia nuts and comprises the Kavuzi tea estate and Mzenga and Tihomane macadamia estates.

Makandi Tea and Coffee Estates Ltd based in the Thyolo region of Malawi comprises the Chisunga and Mindale estates and produces tea, coffee and macadamia nuts.

Sable Farming Company Ltd comprising the Npanga division in the south and the Ngapani division in the east of Malawi produces coffee and macadamia nuts and houses the only intergrated milk and processing diary in the country.

ReservoirForestryTea PlantationMacadamia